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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Mycoplasma genitalium database Mycoplasma genitalium link N/A 108147 http://www.wholecell...
The genes of Mycoplasma genitalium categorized according to function and whether or not they were disrupted by transposon mutagenesis Bacteria Mycoplasma genitalium Table - link number of genes 116961 Peterson SN, Fraser CM....
Number of genes shared between Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma genitalium bacteria 324 genes 116959 Peterson SN, Fraser CM....
Genome size - smallest genome of a free living bacteria Mycoplasma genitalium 5.8e+5 bp 105492 Fraser CM, et al., The...
Number of genes Mycoplasma genitalium 470 genes 105493 Fraser CM, et al., The...
Fraction of protein sequences that consist of more than one domain Bacteria Mycoplasma genitalium ~67 % 116986 Apic G, Gough J, Teichmann...
Doubling time Bacteria Mycoplasma genitalium ~12 hours 116956 Peterson SN, Fraser CM....
Time at which Haemophilus influenzae and Mycoplasma genitalium diverged from a common ancestor bacteria 1500 million years ago 116958 Peterson SN, Fraser CM....
Diameter of smallest bacteria - mycoplasma Bacteria Mycoplasma 0.2-0.4 µm 104717 Zhao H, Dreses-Werringloer U...
Genome size Mycoplasma Mesoplasma florum 7.93e+5 bp 100296
Genome size (among the smallest known for a cell capable of a free-living existence) Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae 816 kb 108333 Hasselbring BM, Jordan JL...
Persistence within mamallian tissue culture cell Mycoplasma penetrans 48-96 hours 105744 Rottem S. Interaction...
Duration of viability once pathogen has become resident within HeLa cell Mycoplasma gallisepticum 24-48 hours 105745 Rottem S. Interaction...
Pace of replication fork Bacteria Mycoplasma capricolum ~100 nts/sec 110934 Rocha EP. The replic...
Number of pyruvate dehydrogenases Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae 100 copies/cell 107819 Kühner S et al., Proteome...
Size of GroEL homomultimer Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae ~20 nm 107823 Kühner S et al., Proteome...
Comparison of determined abundances by EM tomography, quantitative Western blotting and quantitative mass spectrometry Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae Table - link Copies/cell 108347 Maier T, Schmidt A, Güell M...
Size of ribosome Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae ~26 nm 107821 Kühner S et al., Proteome...
Size of pyruvate dehydrogenase Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae ~23 nm 107815 Kühner S et al., Proteome...
Size of RNA polymerase Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae ~17 nm 107822 Kühner S et al., Proteome...